A book is not an isolated being:
it is a relationship, an axis
of innumerable relationships.

Jorge Luis Borges


Other Library is an axis of axes.
It’s a celebration of the book both as an object and as a conduit.

I’ve grown to appreciate my books the most when they’re shared and enjoyed collectively. The more people that see them, the better they become. But too many great books are difficult to access because they're only carried by a handful of niche booksellers or they are prohibitively expensive. Additionally, there is generally poor documentation of them (photographic or otherwise), if any at all. To combat this, I wanted to create a platform to share my modest collection of art, design, and photography books with people who I hope can appreciate them as much as I do. My aim is to offer a faithful impression of the books’ design and content with the hope of exploring new relationships and collective experiences with the viewers.

I’ll post new books at irregular intervals and in no particular order. The format itself is mutable and will no doubt evolve over time. I’d love to hear suggestions on how I can improve the site as well as address any questions or comments related to the content. 


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The wordmark is set in Basis from Seb McLauchlan
The website is set in Atlas Grotesk from Commercial Type.